Aug 20, 2013

C# Како прв програмски јазик - Да или Не ?

Лутајќи по нет, барав нешто за C# и случано налетав на многу интересна дискусија за свите програмери и почетници и професионалци.

Дискусијата е за дали C# e добар јазик за почетник , зошто според многу као демек ќе те научел на лоши навике и нема да бидеш добар програмер ( ГЛУПОСT )

Прашањето :

I know there are similar questions on here, which I've read, but I recently read this post by Joel Spolsky:
And it got me thinking about my way of learning and whether it might actually be harmful in the long run.
I've dabbled with various languages but C# is my first serious one, I've read "Head First C#" and created a few projects. But after reading the post above I've found it a bit disheartening that I may be going about it all wrong, obviously I respect Joel's opinion which is what has thrown me a bit.
I've started reading "Code" as recommended in the reading list and I'm finding it pretty hard going, although enjoyable. I feel like it's taken the shine off of my "noobish hacking about" in Visual Studio.
So now I'm unsure as to what path I should take? Should I take a step back and follow Joel's advice and start reading?
I guess my main aim is just to become a good programmer, like everyone else, but I don't want to be going into bad practice by learning a .NET language when someone who's opinion I respect thinks that it is harmful.

Според мене најкомплетен одговор со кој се согласуем целосно
Значи целата поента не е битно со кој јазик ќе почнеш битно е да се доусовршуеш цело време и со  самата потреба и искуство ќе те натера да совладаш и други јазици доколку неможеш задачата да ја извршиш у тој .

Дефинитивно не е битно со кој јазик ќе почнеш да учиш програмирање битно е да почнеш :
I've dabbed with various languages but C# is my first serious one, I've read "Head First C#" and created a few projects. But after reading the post above I've found it a bit disheartening that I may be going about it all wrong, obviously I respect Joel's opinion which is what has thrown me a bit.
I respect Joel's opinions too, but they are just that: opinions. There's absolutely nothing wrong with using C# as a starting language.
The biggest advice I can give you, or anyone doing any programming (even if they're starting in vanilla C!) is to not be stagnant, and don't be religious. I don't care what programming language you're starting with, or how pure or righteous that language is - in this day and age you cannot afford to sit in only world of programming.
For example, I started programming with PHP3 back when I was a teenager. I built some small web apps and a few web sites with it; I thought that I was a genius programmer and that I could doanything with PHP3, and frowned on people who were all about ASP or BASIC. Boy, was I wrong.
I didn't start to truly blossom as a developer until I began expanding my horizons and studying other programming languages and concepts. During high school I learned some RealBASIC, and then later Visual Basic. After business school, when I became a professional developer, I started learning C# and Javascript in earnest.
Now, don't misunderstand me here - I'm not advocating that you try to be a Jack of All Trades. At heart, and in trade, I'm still a PHP programmer. PHP is my bread and butter, and I know it inside and out. However, my PHP skills didn't become what they were just doing PHP. Here are some highly important concepts that I didn't grasp from PHP, despite working in it professionaly.
  • Javascript: Closures
  • jQuery (yes, separate): the DOM and Ajax
  • Visual Basic: Objected-oriented programming
  • C#: Generics and closures
  • Ruby (on Rails): The power of MVC design
I could go on, and so could many others on this site as well, for days. Even though I'm a PHP programmer I was able to bring all of these other wonderful concepts back with me into the work I do every day.
What's my point? Learn C#. Become a master of C# - you'll have a long, successful career and you'll probably accomplish some amazing things. But don't pigeon-hole yourself. Journey, and taste other languages and environments and concepts.

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